08. The Terminal Interface
The Terminal Interface
Start Quiz:
If you'd like to use the cowsay program outside of the VM, on your own computer, you can install it like this:
Ubuntu and Debian users:
sudo apt-get install cowsay
Redhat and CentOS users: sudo yum install cowsay
OS X users: brew install cowsay
(This requires the homebrew, a third party package manager for OS X, http://brew.sh/)
Arch Linux users: sudo pacman -S cowsay
Note: You typically need to be a “superuser” to install new software, that’s why these install commands begin with the sudo command . You can learn more about sudo in our Configuring Linux Web Servers course or on Wikipedia.
Note: You typically need to be a “superuser” to install new software, that’s why these install commands begin with the sudo command . You can learn more about sudo on Wikipedia.
Quiz: The Terminal Interface
If you'd like to use the cowsay program outside of the VM, on your own computer, you can install it like this:
Ubuntu and Debian users:
sudo apt-get install cowsay
Redhat and CentOS users: sudo yum install cowsay
OS X users: brew install cowsay
(This requires the homebrew, a third party package manager for OS X, http://brew.sh/)
Arch Linux users: sudo pacman -S cowsay
Note: You typically need to be a “superuser” to install new software, that’s why these install commands begin with the sudo command . You can learn more about sudo in our Configuring Linux Web Servers course or on Wikipedia.